The 6 Month Sleep Regression

‘Sleep when the baby sleeps,’ they said.
But what if your baby’s not sleeping?
You’re navigating new parenthood, and suddenly, your 6-month-old’s sleep is all over the place.
It’s likely you’re facing the 6-month sleep regression, an exhausting phase many parents experience.

Please don’t fret; we’ve got the lowdown on why it happens, how long it lasts, and tips to get you through it.
Because let’s face it, you need some sleep too!6 month baby sleep regression

What is 6-Month Sleep Regression?

At around six months of age, you might notice your baby’s sleep pattern drastically changes, a phenomenon known as the ‘6-month sleep regression’.

Suddenly, your once peaceful sleeper starts waking up multiple times a night, refusing to go back to sleep. It’s not your imagination, and it’s a natural, albeit frustrating, phase of infant development.

This regression is typically due to developmental milestones being reached, such as starting to crawl, teething or a growth spurt. These changes can disrupt a baby’s sleep cycle, causing them to wake more frequently.

It’s important to understand that it’s temporary and regular. You can help your baby get through this sleep regression with some patience and adjustments to their bedtime routine.

What can cause a sleep regression at 6 months old?

You might be wondering, what triggers a sleep regression at six months?

It could be as simple as your baby being overtired, sleeping too much during the day, or even hungry.

Let’s discuss these causes further to understand this sleep regression better.


One significant factor that can trigger a 6-month sleep regression is your baby’s overtiredness. It seems counterintuitive, but when babies are too tired, they often have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

There could be several reasons why your little one is overtired:

  • They’re not getting enough daytime sleep.
  • Their sleep schedule has been inconsistent.
  • They’re experiencing a growth spurt or developmental leap.
  • They’ve been overstimulated during the day.
  • They’re unwell or teething.

It’s essential to watch for signs of overtiredness, such as fussiness or rubbing their eyes, and adjust their sleep schedule accordingly. Remember, a well-rested baby is more likely to sleep better at night.

Too much day sleep

While your baby’s overtiredness can disrupt their sleep, paradoxically, too much day sleep can lead to a 6-month sleep regression. Here’s why:

Babies have an internal sleep-wake cycle, known as circadian rhythm, still developing. If they sleep excessively during the day, it may interfere with their ability to sleep at night. It’s like when you nap late in the afternoon and then struggle to fall asleep at night. Your baby’s sleep habits are just the same.

It’s crucial to balance day sleep with night sleep. Too much of either can throw off that balance, leading to sleep regression. If your baby sleeps too much during the day, it might be time to adjust their nap schedule.


Another common culprit in your baby’s 6-month sleep regression can be hunger. Your baby’s growth and development spurts at this age may increase their appetite. Here are some signs that hunger might be interrupting your little one’s sleep:

  • Baby wakes up soon after being put to sleep
  • Baby seems anxious or restless during sleep
  • Increased demand for feeds during the night
  • Unusual fussiness or irritability
  • Sudden changes in sleep patterns

If your baby shows these signs, adjusting their feeding schedule or introducing solids if you haven’t already is essential. Remember, every baby is different, and it’s all about finding what works best for your little one. Don’t hesitate to consult with a pediatrician if you’re unsure.

What are some signs of a 6 month sleep regression?

Recognizing the signs of a 6-month sleep regression can be challenging, but you’ll likely notice changes in your baby’s sleep patterns. If your previously sound sleeper suddenly starts waking up more frequently at night or has difficulty settling down for naps during the day, it might be a sign of a sleep regression.

You may also notice that your baby is fussier than usual, especially at bedtime. They may seem excessively tired yet struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep. Changes in appetite, specifically increased hunger, can also indicate a sleep regression.6 month baby sleep regression

How long does the 6 month sleep regression last?

You’re probably wondering how long this 6 month sleep regression will last, right? Well, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. The duration can vary significantly from one baby to another. However, generally speaking, this phase lasts about 2 to 6 weeks.

Here are some factors that may influence its length:

  • Your baby’s temperament: Some babies adapt more quickly to changes.
  • Your baby’s sleep habits: Babies with solid sleep habits may navigate this phase more smoothly.
  • Your consistency: Sticking to a routine can help shorten the regression.
  • Your baby’s health: Illness can prolong the regression.
  • External factors: Changes in the environment or schedule can extend the regression.

How do I know if it’s teething or sleep regression?

During this challenging period, you might wonder if it’s teething causing your baby’s sleep disruption or the 6-month sleep regression.

Each condition has specific signs. Teething often causes drooling and swollen gums, and your baby might try to chew on everything. You’ll notice these symptoms during the day, not just at night.

On the other hand, the 6-month sleep regression is characterized by sudden changes in your baby’s sleep pattern. Your baby might wake up more frequently at night and struggle to nap during the day. Sleep regression is more likely if these disruptions occur even when your baby isn’t showing discomfort.

You know your baby best, so trust your instincts and consult your pediatrician for guidance.

5 Tips to Handle 6 Month Sleep Issues and Regressions

Navigating your baby’s 6-month sleep regression can be challenging, but here are some practical strategies to help you manage this tricky phase.

  • Consistency is key: Stick to a routine for bedtime and naps. This provides a sense of security for your baby.
  • Make the environment sleep-friendly: Dim lights, a quiet atmosphere, and a comfortable temperature can help your baby sleep better.
  • Don’t rush in: Give them a few minutes if your baby wakes up. They might self-soothe and go back to sleep.
  • Offer a bedtime snack: Extra nourishment can help your baby sleep longer.
  • Seek professional advice: If the sleep problems persist, consult a pediatrician or a sleep consultant.

When to Consult a Doctor

While it’s normal for your baby to experience sleep regression at 6 months, there are certain situations when you should consider seeking medical advice.

If your baby’s sleep problems persist beyond a couple of weeks or drastically disrupt your household, it’s time to consult a doctor.

Additionally, if your baby seems excessively sleepy during the day, has difficulty breathing, or experiences frequent night sweats, these could be signs of a more serious issue.

You should also seek medical advice if your child refuses to eat or is losing weight. Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

Don’t hesitate to contact your pediatrician if anything about your baby’s sleep habits concerns you. Your baby’s health and well-being are paramount.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Specific Dietary Changes Required During the 6-Month Sleep Regression?

No specific dietary changes are required for you. It’s more about maintaining a balanced diet. However, avoiding caffeine and heavy meals before bedtime might help improve your sleep quality if you’re having sleep issues.

What Are Some Recommended Sleep Training Methods for a 6-month-old Experiencing Sleep Regression?

When training your 6-month-old to sleep, try the ‘Ferber Method,’ ‘Pick Up, Put Down,’ or ‘Chair Method.’ Each has its benefits, but it’s vital to remain consistent.

Can a 6-Month Sleep Regression Affect a Baby’s Overall Mood or Behavior During the Day?

Wouldn’t you be grumpy if you were sleep-deprived? Yes, a 6-month-old’s mood and behavior can indeed be affected by poor sleep. They can become fussy irritable, and have difficulty focusing during the day.

Does a 6-Month Sleep Regression Have Any Long-Term Effects on a Child’s Sleep Patterns?

Temporary disruptions to your child’s sleep pattern don’t typically have long-term effects. Your child is usually just going through a phase. Your child should return to their regular sleep routine with patience and consistency.

Are Any Sleep Aids or Products That Can Help a Baby During a 6-month Sleep Regression?

Yes, there are. You can use a white noise machine, a night light, or a pacifier. It’s crucial to remember that not all aids work for every baby, so it’s trial and error.


Navigating the turbulent ocean of your child’s 6-month sleep regression can feel like a storm, but remember, it’s just a phase.

The sun will shine again as you chart your course with patience and understanding.

Use these tips as your compass, but if the storm doesn’t pass, don’t hesitate to call in your doctor – your lighthouse in the fog.

You’re not alone on this journey; every parent sails these seas.

Keep your anchor steady, and remember, this too shall pass.



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